Thursday, February 6



Celebrating Togetherness: Eid-ul-Fitr 2024

Introduction At the separation of moon's crescent and stars twinkling there is a sky at the night, which happens a celebration in which millions of people from all around the globe come together. Eid-ul-Fitr, the joyful holiday which is often associated with the end of Ramadan, is not only a religious ritual but a chance to form bonds with people around and to appreciate what is given. Within 2024, Eid-ul-Fitr 2024 will matter more than ever even when the world is both booming while in the same breath showing generosity. The Essence of Eid-ul-Fitr Although Eid-ul-Fitr 2024 is a religious holiday and festival, it is so much more than this; it is a demonstration to everything the human spirit can overcome. The ritual of Ramadan comes to its end for the Muslims after a month of hunger, sup...

Decoding the Dynamics of Lok Sabha Elections 2024: Analytics & Insights

Introduction Although Indian polity continues to show enormous inertia, we are all set to witness the 2024 Lok Sabha Elections. Scheduled to take place in one of the biggest democracies in the world, the coming elections are surely going to alter the course of the country. This article sheds light on the realities of Lok Sabha Elections 2024 and describes probable actors, problems, and their solutions in the given area of the country. The Significance of Lok Sabha Elections 2024 Elections to the national Parliament - the Lok Sabha -take place every five years and fairly contribute to the subsequent configuration of the lower house. Lok Sabha Elections 2024 are going to contribute to showcasing the political atmosphere that is all set to host the most different moments in history across ...

Funding Politics: Many Ideas, No Takers

In an ideal democracy, politics should be the arena where ideas compete on their merit, where the best proposals rise to the top, and where the will of the people is paramount. Unfortunately, in reality, politics often operates under the heavy influence of money. Funding plays a significant role in shaping political landscapes, determining which ideas get attention and which ones wither away. While there are numerous ideas for reforming political funding, implementation often faces significant hurdles, leaving the system stagnant and entrenched. The Current Landscape In many countries, political campaigns are fueled by donations from individuals, corporations, and interest groups. This system, while ostensibly democratic, often results in the undue influence of wealthy donors and special...