Sunday, November 3


8 Effective Exercises to Lose Your Face Fat
Health, Yoga

8 Effective Exercises to Lose Your Face Fat

There is a large number of people who feel alarmed when they observe that they have face fat. Many give the reason that they worry more about face fat is because one can dress well to hide body fat. However, the same does not go when it comes to face. One cannot hide their face fat with dress material. Makeup is a magical thing (Face Exercises), but how far can you go? You might invest hours in your gym to get rid of body fat but what about face fat? When the selfie you took shows your double chin, it seems all that hard workout went to waste. Studies state that the area of your body in which excess fat gets accumulated depends on two factors - The genetics and your body type. However, if your will is strong what can you not get? That said, some helpful face exercises can get you sculp...
Positive Changes that Yoga Brings in Life
Health, Yoga

Positive Changes that Yoga Brings in Life

Yoga is derived from a Sanskrit word i.e. Yuji. This word means union or yoke. Yoga is a thousand-year-old technique that is practiced widely. This ancient practice brings the mind and body together. It encourages the connection between body, breath, and mind that are fundamental components of human beings. It incorporates meditation, poses as well as breathing exercises that reduce stress and encourage relaxation. Styles of Yoga Depending on the areas of focus, there are numerous yoga styles. They vary in pace, from restorative classes that focus on relaxation and meditation to vigorous power classes that increase the heart rate. It is about finding the one as per your preference as what you enjoy and what is right for the body. Here are a few popular yoga styles Hatha Yoga: It...
10 Great Yoga Poses for People Who Work from Home
Health, Yoga

10 Great Yoga Poses for People Who Work from Home

Due to coronavirus, most people are bound to work from home. Working from home requires commitment as well as discipline. However, sitting for 8 hours can be boring as well as harmful to the body. Most importantly, it can affect your spine. In order to work properly, there is a need for relaxation. Eating healthy food, meditating, and performing basic yoga asanas can help you cultivate focus as well as increase productivity.  Benefits of Yoga When you sit for long hours at a desk, your body suffers a creaky neck, aching back, and tight shoulders as well as hips. Leaving the desk or a workspace for a workout can be difficult. However, getting up from a chair at regular intervals, taking 5 mins each hour can help. Along with this, by performing some easy yoga asanas you can reduce discom...
Quick 30 Minute Everyday Yoga Regime
Exercise, Health, Yoga

Quick 30 Minute Everyday Yoga Regime

What if all that you could commit to fitness is 30 minutes of yoga regime every day? Would you be able to manage the routine? Or you would get disconnected with the favourite part of the day where all you would do is relax. If you would have chosen one option, let's guess that it would be to stay committed to the exercise routine. Even if that meant a quick 30-minute everyday daily yoga regime! Pulling in all required exercises that work on your body’s different parts in just a short time duration is difficult. But thinking that it isn’t anywhere possible is mistakenly a myth. And this post is going to be the best example of it. If you are passing by this post, here’s a warm welcome to you. Keep reading on to know the custom yoga sequence that can make your life healthy and wealt...
What Makes Yoga So Popular?
Exercise, Health, Yoga

What Makes Yoga So Popular?

If you have practiced yoga before, you can easily understand its incredible potential for improving mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual wellbeing. The sheer simplicity and effectiveness of this near North-Eastern acrobatic has contributed to making it one of the mainstream forms of exercise for millions of people around the world. Often considered as a logical solution to fitness, yoga relaxes the body and the soul in unprecedented ways. From improving body posture and reducing back pain to eliminating stress and promoting mindfulness, the benefits of this 5,000 year-old practice cannot be overstated.  Decoding the Age-Old Practice of Indian Yoga There are a plethora of reasons for the rising popularity of yoga in our country. Increased awareness of mental and physical health h...