Saturday, January 25

Quick 30 Minute Everyday Yoga Regime

What if all that you could commit to fitness is 30 minutes of yoga regime every day? Would you be able to manage the routine? Or you would get disconnected with the favourite part of the day where all you would do is relax. If you would have chosen one option, let’s guess that it would be to stay committed to the exercise routine. Even if that meant a quick 30-minute everyday daily yoga regime!

Stamina Building Yoga

Pulling in all required exercises that work on your body’s different parts in just a short time duration is difficult. But thinking that it isn’t anywhere possible is mistakenly a myth. And this post is going to be the best example of it. If you are passing by this post, here’s a warm welcome to you.

Keep reading on to know the custom yoga sequence that can make your life healthy and wealthy. The only thing you need to do is roll out your yoga mat for just half an hour and perform these exercises one after the other.

Preparing for Your 30-Minute Everyday Yoga Regime

Your 30-minute yoga plan is not that easy. Figuring out the most appropriate exercises that can work on all the body areas is what makes the task difficult. Hence, this post is going to elaborate on the yoga postures that can stand out and make your body breathe. To follow a simple yet balanced sequence, here’s what you need to perform:

5 Minutes of Balasana

Your daily yoga should start with ‘Child Pose’ or Balasana, which you need to perform for 30 minutes. Balasana or Child Pose resembles a fetal position of one baby. The yoga posture is the resting pose. You have to sit in the Vajrasana & just bend forward. To say that Balasana is just the beginner level Vinyasa asana is nothing exaggeratory.

You do not have to repeat the asana. All you need to do is to perform this exercise for around 5 minutes every day. You will gradually begin to see the difference in your body and mind after some hours. The asana releases tension in the back and shoulders. It helps alleviate fatigue and dizziness. Not only does it flex your internal organs, but the posture also reduces stress.

From stretching the thighs and hips to encouraging blood circulation & steady breathing, it does it all!

Yoga for Relaxation

5 Minutes of Sukhasana

The Ease Pose, as they say, it is the seated exercise that is popular for practising meditation. In Sanskrit, Sukha defines comfort. Sukhasana, therefore, is the asana that can be easily doable. It’s also popular as the beginner’s level Vinyasa yoga.

Staying in Sukhasana for five minutes every single day is relaxing. Besides letting the body breathe, it calms your mind. It can even lengthen your spine and relieves mental tiredness. The special benefit of performing this quick yoga posture is it even improves your body postures. From unlocking the hip area to massaging the calf muscles, it makes your body and mind energetic.

Starting the day with this posture is effective because it increases productivity and builds an active state of mind.

2 Minutes of Adho Mukha Svanasana

You can also address it by the name ‘Downward Facing Dog Pose’. In general, Adho Mukha Svanasana is just an inversion that usually looks like the dog that’s bending downwards. It gets seamlessly performed and comprises a thousand health benefits. Calling it the beginner’s Ashtanga yoga asana is not a myth.

After spending 10 minutes in the above exercises, all you need to do is to hold this pose for 2 minutes. After all, you can do anything to strengthen your chest muscles, right? And Adho Mukha Svanasana does that. Besides, it strengthens your legs, arms, feet, and shoulders. Apart from increasing lung capacity, it keeps away insomnia and headache.

It is even extremely therapeutic for people having asthma. And excluding this asana from your everyday yoga regime will not be justifiable.

2 Minutes of Tadasana

Now that around twelve minutes are over, you have just eighteen minutes left for other exercises. Spend another two minutes in Tadasana. As they say it, it’s also popular as the ‘Mountain Pose’. If it’s the base of all other yoga poses, other standing positions are just its variations. When you learn the basic poses of yoga, it’s one of the predominant one.

Referring it to as the beginner’s Hatha yoga exercise is not exaggeratory. It, after all, increases your total power & strengthens the knees. It also helps in enhancing mobility in the legs & hips. What it does is firms the abdomen & buttocks. From increasing the flexibility of the spine to alleviating pain throughout your body, it makes you more energetic.

You can hold this posture for twelve seconds & repeat in ten sets. That’s how you can perform this daily yoga pose for two minutes.

2 Minutes of Virabhadrasana II

This Warrior II Pose has got its name after the great warrior Virabhadra. According to folklore, Virabhadra got created from the lock of Lord Shiva’s hair. The posture is extremely effective. And this yoga is the beginner level pose of the Vinyasa asana. You can practice this yoga posture either in the morning or in the evening after 4-6 hours of your meal.

Virabhadrasana II helps in increasing the stamina of the one who’s performing. Besides, it also helps in stimulating the abdominal regions. It’s therapeutic for sciatica as well as infertility. The posture energises the tired limbs & develops infertility. From improving respiration & confidence to relieving backache, this quick yoga pose also strengthens the muscles.

To get all these health benefits, all you need to do is hold this pose for 30sec on each leg. Repeat in 2 sets to make it for 2 minutes.

2 Minutes of Trikonasana

Also called Triangle Pose, Trikonasana is the asana that looks exactly like a triangle. According to Sanskrit, trikona means triangle. You have to keep the eyes open while performing this asana. Quite unlike other yoga poses, this one demands to keep the eyes open. It’s the beginner level Vinyasa asana. To speak of its benefits, it cures indigestion.

Besides, it helps in stimulating the kidneys. In addition to eliminating fat from the thighs and waist, it keeps intact the mobility of the hip joints. It’s extremely effective for stress management and improves your physical and mental equilibrium.

To drive its benefits, hold this pose for 30sec on each of the legs. You have to repeat it for twice, and that makes it to 2 minutes.

2 Minutes of Setu Bandhasana

An asana that can strengthen your muscles and cut down unnecessary belly fats is Setu Bandhasana. Setu means bridge, and this pose looks like the bridge. This pose is the abdominal lift that works extremely well with the body. This asana is just the beginner level exercise of Vinyasa yoga asana. If you perform a morning yoga regime, sans these exercises, your routine does not complete.

Setu Bandhasana helps in calming your central nervous system. Besides, it also stimulates the lungs & thyroid glands. The pose happens to be therapeutic for sinusitis as well as hypertension. Performing it for 2 minutes regularly will strengthen your hamstrings and back gradually.  This pose also lets you strengthen the neck. That makes it pretty obvious that it also stimulates hair follicles too.

What you need to remember is to just stay calm and composed while performing it. Hold this position for 1 minute. And you need to repeat it another time; so that makes it around 2 minutes.

10 Minutes of Savasana

As they name it, Savasana is also popular as Corpse Pose. The reason is that it resembles the corpse that does not have any movement. It’s the restorative yoga posture. Performing this requires lying on your mat and staying relaxed. Savana generally calls for the closure of any yoga regime. If you are performing the evening or morning yoga regime, ensure that you have 10 minutes to relax in this pose.

Calling it the beginner’s Ashtanga asana is just an understatement. After all, it drives so many health benefits. From relaxing the muscles to calming the mind, it does it all. In addition to that, it also releases fatigue, stress, & even tension. This pose cures sleeplessness (insomnia) & improves mental health.

The ones who suffer from diabetes and neurological problems can achieve successful results with this asana. It gives a deep rest & enables the yoga routine to sink in amazingly.

An Endnote

If you choose to perform morning yoga, ensure that your stomach is clean. The bowels need to be empty before you start the exercises. But if you choose the evening time, start after a long gap of 4 to 6 hours from the last meal. Wear comfortable clothes and tie your hair properly. Spread the yoga mat in an area where natural light reaches out. Always sit with your timer and keep a water bottle alongside. Now, you are ready to get set & go.

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