Thursday, February 6

Best Air Purifying Plants for Home

In today’s fast-paced life, not getting enough time to breathe is not only an expression. It is the reality of an exhausting work-life and competitive world. Pure air has become a dream, quite literally. We visit parks and gardens to feel fresh air. But how many times can you go to these places? How long can you stay outside just to befriend nature? You will be back to your home eventually.

Indoor Air Purifying Plant

How about bringing nature to your home? Sounds dreamy and it is. Though it is not as difficult as you would think. Also, the side effects of keeping indoor plants are not as adverse as you would think. That is if you bring right home plants to your cosy castle. You might be wondering what are right home plants? What would you expect from a plant to do at your home?

Look pretty? Keep the air fresh? Yes and yes. There are some plants which are categorised to be the most suitable plants to keep at home. Here we have made a list of the best air purifying plants for you with tips to keep them healthy:

1. Best Oxygen PlantsEnglish Ivy

This is a perennial vine which is easy to grow. It is specifically effective in the reduction of faecal particles in the air. This quality of English Ivy makes it a perfect choice for your bathroom or lobby. It is a perfect natural air purifier you would not regret keeping at home for a long time. 

Studies show that these oxygen plants can help in combating mould levels of its surroundings. So, what are you waiting for? Grow these awesome plants at home to fill your place with fresh air.

Tips to Care: First, water English ivy with a generous amount of water. Second, provide it with direct sunlight for four hours per day. And voila, it will return your love with clean and detoxified air.

2. Cheerful PlantsBarberton Daisy

If you want to inject a wholesome burst of bright colours into your house, Barberton daisy is a great choice. You can choose between yellow, red, pink, or orange flowers. Your home would fill with the childlike energy with it. Coming to environmental benefits, it is an excellent cleanser of toxins such as trichloroethylene, formaldehyde, and benzene.

These toxins are found in several household materials like paints and synthetic fibres. Therefore, Barberton daisies can be a helping hand in keeping the surroundings fresh.

Tips to Care: First, keep this plant in a room that has plenty of natural light. Second, keep its soil moist but at the same time well-drained.

3. Healing PlantsAloe Vera

Who is not a fan of Aloe Vera these days? From skin care products to healthcare diets, it is everywhere. Why, do you ask? Because this little poky plant is full of benefits for humans.

If you wish to keep a plant on your kitchen windowsill, a therapeutic aloe plant is an excellent choice. This is because Aloe Vera grows very well in a sunny place. You can use it for a quick remedy to soothe and cure skin burns that you might get while cooking.

This green succulent is known to purify the air around it. It gets rid of benzene and formaldehyde, which are found in detergents, varnishes and floor finishes. All in all, this plant has a great medicinal value, looks awesome, and has an amazing air purifying charm.

Tips to Care: Make sure to keep this plant in a location that provides it with an abundance of sunlight. Water it when its soil gets dry 1 to 2 inches below the surface. Basically, you can water it once every 2 to 3 weeks. This kind plant does not ask for much.

4. Pretty Succulents – Snake Plant

If you keep this plant in a corner of your bedroom, there are high chances you will sleep better. Snake plant, which is also called mother-in-law’s tongue, releases oxygen into its surroundings at night. This helps to breathe better when you are asleep.

It sifts the air and frees it from formaldehyde, benzene, xylene, trichloroethylene, and toluene. That is why this yellow-tip succulent is known as one of the best oxygen plants.

Tips to Care: Be careful not to overwater it. Roots are of this plant can rot easily in moist soil.

5. Great Indoor Plants Dragon Tree or Red-Edged Dracaena

This plant grows slowly but is very beneficial when it comes to purifying the air. Xylene and Trichloroethylene are the air pollutants that can cause it to become harmful for inhalation. This spiky plant is reputed to fight with these pollutants and get rid of them.

A dragon tree has bright red trim on its leaves. If you want to keep plants with pretty colours in your home, consider keeping this one. It looks pretty and adds to the aesthetics of the house.

Tips to Care: This beauteous plant is known for its growth potential. It can grow up to 8ft. So, it is better to place it in a room that has high ceilings. Also, make sure it gets reasonable sunlight.

6. Non-Toxic Plants – Spider Plant

If you are a houseplant newbie, the resistant spider plant is the perfect option for you. It battles toxins for you quietly. It filters the air and reduces carbon monoxide and xylene, which is heavily used in the rubber and printing industries.


Besides, this is one of those few houseplants which are non-toxic for animals. So, if you have pets, you do not need to worry for their life every time they go near this beauty.

Tips to Care: You can report the ‘spiderettes’ and have a whole family of spider plants at your home. The more, the merrier… quite literally, in this case. These low light indoor plants know how to take care of themselves on their own.

7.Humidity Loving Plants – Chinese Evergreen

This tropical plant can be grown easily in pots. It is easy to carry around and shift from one place to another. These indoor plants enjoy humid and low-lit conditions. So, they will thrive in moist places. Once you have them at home, just keep them in a dim light area and you are good to go.

Home Plant for Air Purification

Chinese Evergreen is an effective cleanser of air. It gets rid of formaldehyde and benzene from its surroundings, which are found in cosmetics and detergents.

Tips to Care:  It is a good choice to keep these plants in your bathroom as they grow well in such humid areas. If you keep this plant somewhere else, make sure to mist its leaves. Otherwise, its leaves can start browning.

8. Low Maintenance PlantsBroad Lady Palm

It is one of those very few plants which can reduce the levels of ammonia. Almost all the cleaning products have a heavy amount of ammonia in them which can cause various health issues.

The fully grown versions of these low light indoor plants are expensive. If you do not wish to spend that much money, it is better to buy a smaller one. Or you can grow it yourself from seed and enjoy some gardening time.

Tips to Care: These beauties love humidity, so they will grow very well in your bathroom.

9. Aesthetic PlantsWeeping Fig

If you are looking to buy some green plants for your room that does not need much care, this is it. Weeping fig is a popular choice for a houseplant for a very long time. They add a vibrant green colour to your place.

These resistant plants can reduce levels of xylene, toluene, and formaldehyde in the air. Professional gardeners suggest that these plants should be your go-to if you are not much of a gardener yourself. This plant does not demand anything from you but a place to stay.

Tips to Care: These green plants are known to be fussy. They do not like change. It is better to keep them in bright but indirect light away from breezes. Just that and it would be your free air purifier for several years.

10. Colourful PlantsChrysanthemum

Would you like to brighten up your living room or kitchen area? Place chrysanthemum there. It adds so much exquisiteness to the home. If you keep your home décor simple but would like to add something pretty to it, get a Chrysanthemum plant. You can hang its pots in the balcony or grow them in your kitchen garden to make it look more aesthetic.

These good looking plants can fight various hosts of toxins. They get rid of benzene and ammonia, which is found in detergents, glue, and plastics.

Tips to Care: This plant enjoys plenty of sunlight. It is good to keep it near a window where it can sunbathe in the natural light.

These are some of the best air purifying plants you can keep at home without worry. Most of these plants do not need many efforts for maintenance. They nurture well on their own and provide soothing and fresh winds. We have to agree that it is not an exaggeration when people say plants help them be healthier and happier. After all, these green beings provide us with much more than they could ever ask from us.

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